It has become easier to disable MTS forwarding and customize calls for yourself!

Redirecting calls to another phone is a very convenient option; it can be useful in many situations - for example, when the subscriber often leaves the coverage area, but at the same time he always needs to stay in touch. However, it happens that there is no need for it, and then the question arises of how to disable forwarding to MTS. There are several ways to deactivate the option, and so that you can choose the most optimal one, we suggest considering each method in more detail.

Disabling the feature

A company client who for some reason needs to disable redirection can use 4 methods to do this. In this case, you can disable all options related to call forwarding or change the conditions for sending a call to another number.

Using USSD commands

The first method is suitable for everyone, as it does not even require an Internet connection. To disable the option, type:

##team number#

The numbers completely coincide with those that are dialed to connect.

For example, to disable forwarding voice calls from a busy number, dial ##21#.

Simple disabling of redirects

  • ##21# (call) – All calls;
  • ##67# (call) – If the number is busy;
  • ##62# (call) – If the number is switched off or unavailable;
  • ##21# (call) – If you did not answer the call;

If you want to disable all options or the user has forgotten which option he has selected, he can dial ##61#. This removes redirections to all numbers, of which there can be no more than three - one for each condition or only unconditional.

Personal Area

To disable the service through his profile on the website, the user performs the following actions:

  1. Register on the official resource of the operator (if you have not already done so before).
  2. Logs in to the site.
  3. Goes to the number management section.
  4. Opens the redirection subsection.
  5. Checks information about all connected options that relate to call forwarding.
  6. Disables unnecessary options by clicking on “delete”.

The redirection conditions can be changed. If you need to remove everything, there is an inscription at the bottom to delete any connected redirects. By clicking on “OK”, the user removes all redirection options.

Mobile app

If you have the “My MTS” mobile application installed on your smartphone, you can refuse the option using it. Here you should find the call settings item and deactivate the service. Just like in your Personal Account, you can disable one of the options or all of them at once.

The mobile application is the most convenient way to deactivate the option for the owner of a smartphone with an Internet connection. He can enable, disable and configure redirection settings at any time and completely free of charge.

Call to operator

If you are unable to deactivate the function yourself (there is no access to the network or the subscriber has blocked USSD requests), you can call the operator. The toll-free number for contact is 0890 or 8-800-250-0890. Hotline specialists will help solve the problem as soon as possible.

A subscriber who has the opportunity to personally visit the company’s salon can receive advice from the operator’s employees in person. To do this, you will not need documents confirming ownership of the number - all actions will be performed by the client himself, but with the help of a consultant.

When using third-party software

Some people use third-party applications to implement call forwarding. In this case, this function is disabled in these programs. You need to open the settings in the application and deactivate the forwarding. You can simply delete the program if you do not use it in the future.

How to set up forwarding on Samsung

Samsung phones allow the user to greatly adjust any settings they may need.

Methods for deactivating the service

The client can disable forwarding on an MTS SIM card in several available ways:

  • Communication salon. When visiting, the subscriber must take his passport with him to confirm his identity. After this, the operator will help you disable the option.
  • Code combination. On your cell phone, enter the command *111*, then enter the service code and press the call button. To clarify the type of forwarding used, you should forward the message “8111” to number 111.
  • Personal profile. All you need to do is log in to the application or your personal account on the portal, and then go to active services. There, click the “Disable” button and the option will be deactivated.
  • Support service. The contact number 0890 is dialed on a cell phone, and then the subscriber asks the operator to disable the current option. You will have to provide your passport details.

When deactivation occurs, a notification will be sent to your mobile phone in the form of a text message.

Method 2. Disabling through a personal account on the site

As practice shows, when canceling call forwarding to MTS, the command for all types does not always work, and the operator is very reluctant to disable paid services.

Therefore, a more reliable method is deactivation in the personal section. To do this you need to do the following:

  • register on the operator’s website;
  • gain access to your personal profile;
  • go to the settings section;
  • control menu panel;
  • click on it, a full list will appear;
  • There is a red cross next to each line;
  • To disable an option, you need to click on it and then confirm your actions.

Using this method, you can disable forwarding to MTS and cancel all types of it, both from a mobile device and via the Internet.

Connection and control

To connect, you can use your Personal Account, mobile application, contact center services or SMS assistant. The second option involves sending an SMS with the text 2111 to number 111. For the same purpose, you can send the message “ON” or “Reg” to phone 232.

Depending on the connection method, its cost is calculated. If you used an application on a smartphone or a Personal Account on the official website for this, the subscriber connects for free. If technical support specialists helped with the connection, you will have to pay 30 rubles.

The connected function can be configured using your Personal Account, through the contact center or mobile application. It is convenient to use special commands for configuration.

The main part they have in common:

**team number*phone number to which the call will be forwarded#

It is not necessary to specify the parameter in square brackets - it serves to specify which calls will be forwarded - all, only voice, fax or data (10, 11, 13 and 25, respectively). There can be four teams:

  • 21 – for unconditional forwarding;
  • 67 – call forwarding only if the number is busy;
  • 62 – in the absence of communication (for phones that are turned off or have left the coverage area);
  • 61 – sending if the subscriber does not answer.

For the last type of forwarding, in square brackets you can additionally specify the interval during which the call continues to be sent to the main number - . If no time is specified, a number within 5-15 seconds is automatically set. The user can select an interval between 5-30 s. By re-enabling the option and not specifying the time, you can count on setting the default value - the same one that was selected last time.

Voice and Success - three secrets to tuning your voice. Distance course

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Voicemail Terms

For those who are afraid of missing important calls even when using the call forwarding service, there is an alternative option - voicemail. It allows you to receive information even if all the subscriber’s phones are out of range or do not work due to a dead battery.

To activate the service, you should send a request *111*90#. The cost of the option is 2.3 rubles. per day, you can receive up to 20 messages per day, but only 7 unheard messages are saved.

Voice mail is stored for up to 10 days, and the length of one such message should not exceed 1.5 minutes.

Audio recordings can be listened to in different ways. The simplest, but available only for the home region, is to dial 0860. Voice files are listened to in the form of MMS or sent to an electronic mailbox. It is possible to receive a message using the service or call +79168920860, valid in roaming.

What is redirection?

There are several cases when you need to use this service, so the operator provides several types of functions at once:

  • Busy signal". This option is suitable for companies and firms. In this case, the call is immediately transferred to another telephone or another line as soon as the busy signal sounds.
  • The phone is out of network coverage or switched off. In this case, you can install the service on any available contact. All incoming messages will be immediately redirected there.
  • The number does not answer. Call redirection occurs if the client does not pick up the phone for a certain time. In the settings, the user himself determines this time period.
  • Unconditional. When this option is activated, MTS forwarding to another number will occur regardless of whether the line is busy or whether the cell phone is available.

Please note: You can enable the option on any cell phone, and the call can be routed not only to another cell phone, but also to a landline contact. Problems can only arise for those interlocutors who call from 8-800 numbers.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Forwarding

Like any option, call forwarding has its pros and cons, so before activating this service, please read them carefully:


  • Hide your main number;
  • Always stay in touch if they couldn’t reach you on the main number;
  • You can listen to voice messages (this is a separate option);
  • A convenient feature for corporate networks where calls are constantly coming in.


  • The technology does not always work correctly, so in some cases they will not reach you;
  • Price. If you receive a lot of calls, then you will have to pay a considerable amount of money on a regular user tariff, especially if you have a high tariff cost;
  • Not the fastest connection setup. For example, novice users cannot enable this option on their own, although the entire procedure is very simple.

Whatever option you choose, all settings are registered in your phone, as we indicated at the very beginning of the article when working with the “Phone” application. This includes a method with the settings of your Android and third-party programs. If the entire configuration process goes through the cellular operator, then no additional actions are required from you. But remember that this option in most cases incurs an additional fee, so disable forwarding as soon as it is no longer needed.

Call forwarding

This service will allow you to redirect any incoming phone call to another number (local, international, etc.). The forwarding service will not affect outgoing calls in any way.

Types of forwarding

This type of service is divided into several types:

  • Forwarding all types of incoming calls (without any exceptions).
  • Redirect an incoming call if the subscriber does not answer for a long time.
  • Automatic call forwarding if the subscriber is outside the network coverage area.
  • If a subscriber is talking to another subscriber, then call forwarding is automatically enabled.

Important! The call forwarding service to international numbers is available only to corporate clients or VIP clients.

The first type of call forwarding is an unconditional type, while the second, third and fourth are conditional. All three types of conditional call forwarding can be combined simultaneously. But combining conditional and unconditional forwarding is prohibited.


If the rules of your tariff plan do not specify the cost of this service, then payment for it will be made as follows:

  • Redirection to mobile and landline numbers in the Home region will cost 2.5 rubles per minute of conversation.
  • If the call is redirected to mobile or landline numbers in other areas, then the cost of the service is the same as the cost of a minute of dialogue in your tariff plan.
  • Forwarding to any international numbers is paid at the cost of a minute of dialogue with foreign subscribers (specified in your tariff plan agreement).

If you do not know what tariff you currently have, you can find out by sending the following request *105*3#call.

Connecting the service

Many people do not know how to use call forwarding on Megafon and how to enable it. The number to which the call will be redirected must be indicated in the classic international format. For example: +79208366417. In case of unconditional forwarding, any incoming calls will be automatically forwarded to the specified number. Even if the phone is not online or the subscriber is talking. In order to start receiving calls again, you need to cancel the service.

You can set this type of forwarding after dialing the following command: **21*79ХХХХХХХХХ #call (the subscriber's number is dialed instead of crosses). To check the status of this service, dial the short command: *#21#call. You can set up redirections for those times when you talk on the phone for a long time and don't answer the call. In this case, after 30 seconds of waiting, the call will be automatically redirected to the specified number. To connect you need to enter: **61*79ХХХХХХХХХ #call. You can also set the number of seconds to wait yourself, to do this you need to enter: **61*79ХХХХХХХХХ** number of seconds to wait (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30)#call. To check the validity of the service, dial: *#61#call.

In a situation where the telephone to which the call is being received is turned off or out of network reach, the above method of call redirection will not work. In this case, another type of redirection is connected. Every time the caller hears the operator reply that you are unreachable, they will be automatically redirected. To enable this function you need to enter: **62*79ХХХХХХХХХ #call. Functionality check: *#62#call. If you are already conducting a dialogue on the telephone, but someone is trying to call you, then he can be redirected (for example, to your secretary). To enable this function on your device, dial: **67*79ХХХХХХХХХ#call. Functionality check: *#67#call.


Some subscribers are often tormented by one question: how to disable call forwarding on a megaphone? To disable the functionality of all types of forwarding (unconditional and conditional), you need to type the following command: ##002#call. If you want to stop all types of conditional call forwarding, then you need to dial: ##004#call.

To cancel the functionality of any individual of the services described above, you need to type the same command as for checking the work, only instead of the first asterisk, put a hash. For example, to disable call forwarding if the subscriber is unavailable, dial: ##67#call.

Voice and Success - three secrets to tuning your voice. Distance course

10/07/2009 Issue 262 ABOUT THE ESSENTIAL One of the subscribers suggested that it is better to start the issue with this section, since, in his opinion, it is more interesting. Of course, we cannot agree with this. But the fact that energy and time may not be enough, reading into the Wisdom of the Ages, we can agree with this. So, I'll start with advertising the upcoming courses. There were only 2 people in both groups. Therefore, I have both of them since 10/10/09. I combine and thus, there is one day group 14.00 - 18.00. Days of classes: October 10, 17. November.

Description of service

Call forwarding is the ability of a mobile network to redirect an incoming call from one phone to another. The essence of the service is quite simple: when you make a call to a specific phone number, the call is automatically redirected to a pre-designated other phone number. The addressee in this case can be any number in the world.

Initially, this option was more used by business people even before the advent of phones like Samsung Duos, capable of receiving calls simultaneously on two cards from one or two cellular operators. In this case, the subscriber could be reached under any circumstances only if the forwarding service was activated.

You can configure the option through the menu in the “Call Settings” section. You must select the appropriate forwarding type from the list provided and save the changes. If necessary, the subscriber can select not one, but several numbers at once for call forwarding.

How to enable call waiting on your Android phone

Log into the telephony app and then turn them on. To do this, click “Options” at the top left and go to settings.

Now go to the “Advanced” tab.

Here, in the “Call Waiting” section, move the slider to the right position.

This means that you will receive notifications about other incoming calls while you are on a call.

That's not all. Let's go back and go to another tab - “Signals when calling.

Here, opposite the line “Notification. During a call...”, also move the slider to the right.

Additional features

When a customer activates this option, they will have additional options available to manage all incoming calls. To do this, the operator has provided several code commands for the cell phone. They allow you to reject calls, as well as accept or hold them. You can do this this way:

  • by simultaneously pressing 0 and the call button, the client rejects the incoming call;
  • if you press 2 and the call button, the current conversation will be put on hold and the second call will be accepted;
  • by pressing the number 1 and the “call” button, the client can end the current conversation and immediately accept a new incoming one;
  • If you dial a contact number during a conversation and click on “call”, the current call is placed on hold and a new call is made.

When activating the option outside the country, tariffs will be applied according to a double standard, so it is recommended to disable forwarding when traveling. The option is provided to customers free of charge. There is no charge for connection and use. The easiest way to activate the function is using a code combination or in your personal profile on the operator’s portal. If you have problems with activation, you should call the MTS service center.

How to connect?

You can use this service by contacting your operator, or via the USSD command:

Megaphone**21*_ #
MTS**21*_ #
Beeline**21*_ #
Tele 2**21*_ #

If conditional call forwarding is already enabled, you can find out how to disable this option from your operator or use the following codes:

Tele 2##002#

Connection via the MTS website

Unregistered MTS subscribers can undergo quick registration and activate call forwarding through changes in the settings in the “Personal Account”. To activate the option, you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. Log in to the website of the mobile operator;
  2. On the left side of the screen, select the “Settings” category from the menu;
  3. Click on the “Call Forwarding” section;
  4. In the “Conditions” sub-item, select the appropriate type of forwarding (when selecting “busy forwarding”, specify the waiting limit during a call);
  5. In the appropriate column, indicate the phone number to which incoming calls will be redirected;
  6. Finally, click on the “Apply” button to save the changes.

Before the forwarding telephone number, you must indicate the country code “+7”. Please remember that you cannot forward calls that have already been forwarded.


Open the Settings app and tap Sounds to choose vibration, ringtone, and volume options. Choose when you want your phone to vibrate, if at all, by pressing Vibrate on Ring and Vibrate on Silent to On or Off.

Click "Edit" with the "On" buttons so you can adjust the ringer volume using your iPhone's volume buttons. Tap Ringtone to select the sound you want to hear for incoming calls. On the Ringtone screen, you can also select or create a vibration pattern. Don't forget to select a sound for your new voicemail.

Open the Settings app and tap Phone to configure the following information:

My Number: Displays your personal phone number. Although it's set automatically, you can click the disclosure triangle and change it.

Contacts Photos in Favorites: When enabled, the photo you assigned to a person in Contacts appears next to the name in the Favorites list.

Wi-Fi Calling (currently T-Mobile only): When enabled, you can make phone calls using a Wi-Fi connection instead of customer service or roaming. Tap this option and then, on the next screen, tap the switch to the On position. You may need to contact your carrier to enable Wi-Fi calling.

Reply with text: Change the default replies for calls you reject using this option.

Call Forward, Call Waiting, Show My Caller ID (GSM models): Enables or disables these features.

Blocked: Shows a list of people whose attempts to call or message you are blocked. Add more names to the list by tapping the item, then tap Add New. Contacts open and you can choose who you want to block.

Change Voicemail Password: To change your digital voicemail password.

Dial Assist: Make iPhone automatically add the correct prefix number when calling to the US from abroad.

SIM Code (GSM models): To enable, select and change the passcode you can use to lock your iPhone's SIM card; when activated, you must enter a PIN whenever you turn your iPhone back on and then back on again.

What is the essence of this service?

First, it’s worth understanding what call forwarding is. This is a good opportunity to redirect a mobile call to another, predetermined number, and this other number can be any subscriber in the world.

This is also a great option for those who purchased a new number and want to redirect all numbers from the old SIM card to it.

In fact, this service already existed in the MTS arsenal, it was only called “Call Forwarding”.

Now it has been corrected, and users were notified about this at the end of 2021, and many are wondering what kind of update this is.

It is known that previously the service was free, but now the subscriber is charged 3 rubles per day from the moment the service is activated. If more requests were sent on the same day, the fee will no longer be charged.

Another advantage is that if the subscriber has not sent requests for redirection within a certain day, then no money will be debited from the account.

Many users wonder how the service works regarding other terms of service. MTS gives an answer to this too: nothing else changes.

Voice and Success - three secrets to tuning your voice. Distance course

12/17/2009 Issue 266 ABOUT THE ESSENTIAL Dear subscribers! This is the last issue of this newsletter. Let me remind you that issue 1 took place on July 21, 2001. 8 and a half years is a long time for mailing. For obvious reasons, I am merging both mailings, which is what I am reporting. This step was previously agreed upon with a higher authority, which informed me of the need to inform you of this decision. How the unification will take place technically is the prerogative of this mentioned authority. Newsletter issues 2009-12-17 21:15:30 + Comment

Types of forwarding

Depending on the reason why calls are required to be forwarded, the owner of the operator’s SIM card can choose the following options:

  1. Forwarding if the number is busy. An excellent option for corporate clients and large companies who want clients to reach them in any situation.
  2. Enable the function only in cases where the call is not answered within a certain time. The period is set by the owner of the number.
  3. The call is forwarded if the phone is switched off or out of network range.
  4. Unconditional redirection. The call goes to another number in any case.

By choosing such a function, an MTS subscriber pays only for its connection, but not for its use. Calls are paid in accordance with the selected tariff plan. Calls within the network will most likely be free (not counting packages where charges outside the home region are taken into account). Forwarding to numbers of other companies and in roaming will cost more - in this case, payment is made according to roaming tariffs.

How to set up call forwarding

Many people have heard the concept of call forwarding, but not everyone understands why it is needed. Let's imagine this situation: you changed your mobile phone number, notified your family and friends about it, but many continue to call your old number. This is where the question arises: how to ensure that calls are routed to a new number?

This is the meaning of call forwarding - redirecting incoming calls to another SIM card. But there is one limitation: SMS messages are not forwarded to the new number; they will remain unread if there is no access to the old SIM card. The redirection function is supported by all operating systems, but we will look at setting up call forwarding on Android OS.

As with all instructions, there are several ways. Some of them may require you to install third-party software. Below are some of the simplest options, which will not be difficult to cope with if you carefully follow the instructions.

Which type to activate, how the option works

The subscriber must know how this option works so as not to activate it unnecessarily. If a client's phone is often discharged or receives a lot of incoming calls, then call forwarding to a spare phone should be activated. When the user goes on vacation and specifically turns off the gadget, it is better to use voicemail. This service will allow you to simply listen to the text of the message after turning on your cell phone.

This option works simply: if one of the provided conditions is triggered, the incoming message is automatically switched to another mobile phone. A backup can be not only a cell phone, but also a landline phone, as well as voice mail.

  • Interesting information
  • If the client activates the function while roaming, then each call will be charged at double price. To find out more about the tariff conditions, you should call the company’s service center at 0890 or visit the company’s portal.

Types of forwarding

MTS provides several options for call forwarding, the choice of which is determined by the needs of the subscriber:

  • Forwarding due to unavailability – calls are redirected to another number if the first one is currently out of the mobile network coverage area;
  • Busy forwarding – calls are forwarded if the phone number is busy at the time the call is made;
  • Forwarding on no answer – the call is redirected if the waiting limit on the line is exceeded;
  • Unconditional forwarding – automatic forwarding of all calls to one or more numbers.

If at least one of the conditions is triggered, the call is automatically redirected to the number that was specified by the subscriber for forwarding. Any numbers, as well as voice mail, can be selected as a second phone. It should be noted that activating the service in roaming will lead to a 2-fold increase in call tariffs - both for outgoing and incoming calls simultaneously.

Disable forwarding depending on the operator

Did you connect the option through an operator? Then disabling conditional forwarding occurs through it. To deactivate, the easiest way is to use the USSD request by entering the appropriate code.


List of commands for Beeline:

  • ##21# – deactivation of all redirects.
  • ##67# – cancel redirection when the network responds “Busy”.
  • ##61# – disable forwarding when there is no response from the subscriber.
  • ##62# – cancel redirection when out of range.

Commands for MTS:

  • ##67# – cancel call forwarding if the phone is busy.
  • ##61# – when the subscriber did not accept the call.
  • ##62# – when the phone is not connected to the operator’s network.
  • ##21# – deactivation of all call forwarding modes.


List of commands for Megafon:

  • ##002# – deactivation of unconditional forwarding.
  • ##004# – disable conditional call forwarding.

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