About Vodafon tariffs: conditions, what is important to know

Vodafone in Ukraine is in a leading position as an operator engaged in the transmission of voice communications, text information and provision of Internet access. Numerous clients use the company’s services, so new Vodafone packages in Ukraine 2021 are very popular.

Even if someone doesn’t need her services, they still know what the logo looks like and what she does.

Due to the presence of a large number of information services, the emergence of various new products, and hot auction offers, sometimes confusion arises in navigating among the company’s services from Vodafone. The structure is actively pursuing politics, creating and filling its websites with new and useful information. The same applies to outdoor advertising displayed in populated areas.

About the operator

Vodafone is an English brand of technology services that first appeared on the market back in 1984.
Then the company was called differently, had a different legal status and shareholder composition. In 2015, it appeared on the Ukrainian market of cellular operators. In three years, Vodafone has gained enormous popularity, won many subscribers and strengthened its position in a competitive market. Today, the total capitalization of the brand is estimated at almost twenty-two billion dollars - the company is the most valuable in the UK. In Ukraine, it provides its services to 21 million clients.

The official portal of the operator Vodafone Ukraine www.vodafone.ua contains all the information about its work, for example, in the tab called “About the company” you can find:

  • brand history;
  • description of the manual;
  • terms of service for subscribers;
  • licenses allowing to conduct activities;
  • All contacts.

Services Vodafone Ukraine

The Vodafone Ukraine operator's service is huge and diverse due to the presence of several relevant areas.
For example, the entire volume of services provided is divided in accordance with the specifics of consumers: services for individuals and corporate clients. Further in the article, the first category will be described in detail, that is, a service for people who use cellular communications and mobile Internet every day. What is included in the list of Vodafone Ukraine services for individuals:

  • Voice connection;
  • data transmission and Internet access (2G, 3G);
  • sending and receiving text and multimedia messages;
  • roaming and communication with people abroad;
  • carrying out financial transactions;
  • various entertainment services.

Range of Vodafone services

Vodafone Ukraine offers many areas of work with both private and corporate clients. We will focus on services for individuals, because such clients are the vast majority. The following options are available to subscribers:

  • mobile connection
  • Internet access according to 3G/4G standards;
  • Calls abroad and roaming
  • Carrying out monetary transactions
  • Entertainment products from Vodafone

Vodafone subscribers can pay for transport fares via SMS Informburo.kz

Operator tariffs change rarely and depend on a number of factors, such as the national currency exchange rate, structural changes in the telecommunications industry, the economic situation in the country and a range of other factors. Despite the large number of subscribers, Vodafone is not a monopolist on the Ukrainian market, and the competitive environment that has developed over the years of independence forces the operator to maintain affordable prices for mobile communications and Internet services. The price includes value added tax and pension fund tax (7.5%). At the same time, the quality of communication remains at a high level, which is confirmed by the corresponding report published on the operator’s official website.

Today, all service packages for individuals provided by the operator Vodafone Ukraine are divided into prepaid and contract services. Below we will take a closer look at each of the tariffs indicated above. If none of the tariffs suits you, you can change the operator. How to do this - we wrote in the instructions Stay in touch: how to change the operator while keeping the number. Tariffs of other operators can be found in the articles Kyivstar Tariffs in 2019 and Lifecell Tariffs in 2019.

Tariffs Vodafone Ukraine

The tariffs from the Vodafone Ukraine operator provided by the mobile operator in 2021 are influenced, first of all, by market conditions, the state of the economy and current exchange rates.
Vodafone Ukraine is not a monopolist on the Ukrainian cellular communications market, therefore its tariffs are not a way of setting their own conditions, but a standard working practice of all companies that provide various services to the population.

Vodafone Ukraine guarantees its customers a high level of service, as well as improved technical capabilities for stable communication throughout the state.

Tariffing is carried out from the first seconds of use, and the price includes the duration of the call in seconds. Any selected tariff from Vodafone Ukraine is valid for twenty-eight days. You cannot connect it for a shorter period.

The following Vodafone tariffs for 2021 are available to private clients of the company:

  • "Unlim 3G Plus";
  • "RED EXTRA S, XS, M, L";
  • "Light+";
  • "Device S, M, L";
  • "RED M, L, XL, XXL";

Find out more about what is included in these packages and how to choose the most advantageous tariff from Vodafone Ukraine.

How to switch to a standard smartphone

If the subscriber has just connected to the Vodafone mobile network, it is enough to simply activate the purchased starter package and enter a standard four-digit PIN code. If the subscriber uses a different tariff plan, then the transition is possible using the USSD command - *101*901#.

The second way to switch to the tariff you want is to call the voice service and talk to an operator. The number for free communication is 111, and if you don’t want to wait, you can call a paid one - 555. When you call this number, the following pricing applies: free, the first 20 seconds are absolutely free, and each subsequent second will cost 50 kopecks.

Before switching to the chosen tariff, you should check your balance and make sure you have funds.

Unlim 3G Plus

The tariff called “Unlim 3G” is suitable for subscribers who order a SIM card only to access the Internet from their mobile device.
Making outgoing calls in this case is also available, but the cost of each minute of communication is charged separately. Important! The communication price is quite cheap - twenty kopecks/minute. Sixty-five hryvnia is debited from the client’s account every month, and this cost mainly includes the use of high-speed Internet.

The “Unlim 3G” tariff cannot be called unlimited: as soon as the user spends the 3 gigabytes of traffic allotted for one day, the speed will drop to 0.8 Mbit. There are other limits when using this offer:

  • the subscriber does not have access to torrents;
  • Streaming video is available at a speed of 1.2 Mbit per second;
  • if the device into which the SIM card is inserted is used to distribute Wi-Fi or as a modem, the Internet speed will change for the worse;
  • A reduction in speed is also possible if the load on the entire Vodafone Ukraine network increases.

SMS and MMS messages to all Ukrainian numbers from the “Unlim 3G” tariff will cost twenty kopecks per message.

The cost of the tariff version called “Unlim 3G Plus” is ninety hryvnia per month. This package can be fully used to meet all the daily needs of the subscriber. The subscription fee includes the following services:

  • unlimited within the Vodafone Ukraine network;
  • one hundred minutes to make free calls to Ukrainian numbers for a month;
  • unlimited 3G internet.

The difference between this version of the tariff and the one described above is the minutes for calls to subscribers of other operators and unlimited within its own network. All other options and restrictions are identical to those included in the “Unlim 3G” tariff package.

Basic conditions

In other words, “Smartphone standard” is the basic tariff for all Vodafone subscribers in Ukraine. You can switch to a more favorable tariff yourself or through a call center employee, including light+,

Transition is impossible for residents of Donbass. And the package of services has no alternative. To make the transition you need to enter the PIN code from the SIM card or call the operator.

Yes, and the fee is fixed, and is charged daily. And it doesn’t matter whether the fact of using the services of the package was within 24 hours. Taking into account that calls for Vodafone subscribers are free, and to numbers of other Ukrainian operators - 1.50 hryvnia per 1 minute.

You need to pay for tariff services either monthly or pay a daily tariff. This method is suitable for those subscribers who cannot use the services for the whole month.


Tariffs included in the “Red Extra” line from Vodafone Ukraine are focused exclusively on the needs of the company’s clients and can create the optimal offer for each subscriber.

The “Red XS” tariff is a prepaid plan, using which the subscriber gets access to several unique opportunities: he can communicate for free with clients of MTS and Vodafone Ukraine, as well as access the Internet from a mobile device, that is, immediately respond to any emerging events and stay in touch with family and friends.


  • subscription fee in the amount of fifty hryvnia;
  • unlimited calls within your own network;
  • 1000 megabytes for using popular social networks and instant messengers;
  • 1000 megabytes for the Internet;
  • an hour to communicate with clients of other Ukrainian companies;
  • calls abroad at a price of three hryvnia per minute;
  • fifty messages to send to any numbers.

The “Red S” tariff is a prepaid plan that is the most popular among Vodafone Ukraine subscribers in the entire line. This fact is ensured by a suitable ratio of the quantity and quality of services provided and cost.


  • the monthly fee is seventy hryvnia;
  • unlimited calls within Vodafone Ukraine's own network;
  • unlimited use of popular social networks and instant messengers;
  • 4000 megabytes for the Internet in 2G and 3G networks;
  • an hour and fifteen minutes to communicate with subscribers of other Ukrainian operators;
  • twenty-five minutes for calls abroad;
  • fifty messages.

Tariff “Red M” is a unique tariff offer with roaming and the possibility of unlimited communication with subscribers of the Vodafone Ukraine operator located abroad. This is the maximum tariff, which also includes high-speed Internet on the 3G network.


  • monthly fee in the amount of one hundred and ten hryvnia;
  • unlimited calls made through Vodafone Ukraine network;
  • unlimited use of popular social networks and instant messengers;
  • 8000 megabytes of Internet;
  • an hour and forty-five minutes to communicate with clients of other Ukrainian companies;
  • thirty-five minutes of calls abroad;
  • seventy messages to any numbers.

The “Red L” tariff is an advantageous offer for frequent traveling Vodafone Ukraine subscribers who actively use roaming. The package provides the opportunity to communicate without restrictions within the network, whether the client of the company is in his own country or abroad.


  • subscription fee in the amount of one hundred and eighty hryvnia;
  • unlimited calls on Vodafone Ukraine network;
  • unlimited use of Vodafone TV and Ether;
  • unlimited use of popular social networks and instant messengers;
  • 12,000 megabytes of Internet;
  • five hours to communicate with subscribers of other operators;
  • an hour and fifteen minutes for calls abroad;
  • one hundred and fifty minutes of messages to any numbers.

Switch to Vodafone from MTS

Subscribers who purchased SIM cards from the MTS operator are often interested in the question of how to switch to Vodafone, because now the company provides services under this brand.

In fact, absolutely all MTS clients were automatically connected to the services of the Vodafone operator, because in essence the network remained the same, although the corporation made significant changes:

  • Rebranding allowed the company to reach a fundamentally new level: Mobile TeleSystems acquired a license to launch 3g Internet access.
  • At the same time, with the support of the British operator, a whole package of additional services is being launched.
  • The coverage map and technical equipment are being modernized and improved.

Obviously, the transition to Vodafone Ukraine allowed more subscribers to appreciate the new level of communication and Internet provision using the MTS network.

Subscribers of other networks had the opportunity to qualitatively change the use of mobile phones. In this case, switching or purchasing an additional SIM card is inexpensive: the cost of the package depends on the usual conditions of the monthly subscription fee.


The “Light+” tariff from the Vodafone Ukraine operator can be activated almost throughout the entire territory of the state. The exception is the regions, the majority of the population of which is served by MTS or Vodafone Ukraine, and there are practically no clients of other companies. The “Light+” starter package is not available for purchase in the Donetsk, Poltava, Sumy, Lugansk and Kherson regions of Ukraine. In other places it is bought without drawing up a contract - it will be very easy to switch to it.

“Light +” is intended for subscribers who regularly make calls to phones serviced by MTS or Vodafone Ukraine, rarely call other numbers and use the mobile Internet. The terms of the tariff offer include a monthly balance replenishment in the amount of forty hryvnia. By paying this amount, the client gets access to:

  • unlimited calls within the Vodafone network throughout Ukraine;
  • half an hour for calls to subscribers of other operators;
  • 500 MB of Internet in the 3G network and additional unlimited in 2G;
  • favorable conditions for those who often call abroad.

You can call any Ukrainian numbers beyond the thirty minutes included in the tariff for 0.50 hryvnia per minute. When sending the first SMS or MMS message of the day, 1.50 hryvnia will be debited from the subscriber, and the remaining forty-nine messages will be sent completely free of charge. If there is not enough money in the account to pay the subscription fee, the client is credited with a daily package - two hryvnias per day (this can be checked in your Personal Account).

Who is it suitable for?

We have to agree that the set of services provided for the day does not look very tempting and attractive. But most likely only for those who use the Internet daily and in large quantities.

If you are not satisfied with 50 MB, but using the mobile Internet is not so necessary for you, then 500 MB, which is provided for a month after replenishing the account with the full amount, will be quite enough.

But, this tariff is the only option for residents of Lugansk and Donetsk. Because the operation of the equipment in some areas is not entirely stable.

Device S, M, L

The “Device” tariff, introduced by Vodafone Ukraine in 2017, includes packages “S”, “M”, “L” and is aimed mainly at customers who need stable mobile Internet. The only exception is the “S” tariff, which is capable of satisfying almost all subscriber needs, but in a small volume. The line is suitable for active use of the Internet and installation of various “smart” applications (counters, trackers, maps, and so on).

The “Device S” tariff from Vodafone Ukraine is the largest volume of gigabytes and Internet traffic, available for use around the clock.


  • the monthly fee is forty-five hryvnia;
  • 50 megabytes per day for using popular social networks and instant messengers, after that – unlimited on the 2G network;
  • 50 megabytes for 2G and 3G Internet, after that - unlimited 2G;
  • fifty kopecks per minute for calls to subscribers of other Ukrainian networks;
  • ten hryvnia per minute for communicating with people abroad;
  • 3 hryvnia for one message to any number.

Tariff “Device M” - works on a prepaid basis, convenient for those who prefer watching videos from a mobile phone, information subscriptions and regular communication on social networks. Conditions:

  • subscription fee in the amount of fifty hryvnia;
  • unlimited use of popular social networks and instant messengers;
  • 5000 and 2000 megabytes for the Internet;
  • fifty kopecks per minute for communication with subscribers of other operators;
  • ten hryvnia per minute for calls abroad;
  • three hryvnia for one message to any numbers.

The “Device L” tariff from Vodafone Ukraine is suitable for subscribers who value their own time and use various navigation applications, alarm systems and similar programs.


  • monthly fee in the amount of ninety hryvnia;
  • unlimited use of popular social networks and instant messengers;
  • 10,000 megabytes for the Internet;
  • fifty kopecks per minute of communication with clients of other Ukrainian companies;
  • ten hryvnia per minute of communication with people abroad;
  • three hryvnia for one message.


The operator Vodafone Ukraine offers subscribers the following tariffs from the “Red” tariff line:

Advantages and features of the tariff

Still, as was said, the main advantage is unlimited communication among subscribers of the Vodafone network. The second advantage of the tariff is a fixed fee for calls within the network and it is debited daily. This makes it possible to adjust the ordered services.

If a subscriber wants to connect to a different tariff because the “Standard” package is not suitable for him. For residents of Donbass, a transition to other tariffs is not provided and this package of services is the only alternative option.

If, before switching to the “Smartphone Standard” tariff, the subscriber pays for an annual package of services, then the funds will be returned to his balance. Or a more favorable rate will be offered.

If the subscriber has not used all the traffic in a day, the subscription fee will be charged for a new service package for the next day.


One of the tariffs included in the “Ultra” line is perfect for customers of the Vodafone Ukraine operator who are accustomed to actively using mobile communications, as well as having access to high-quality service, for example, an unlimited credit limit and personal service.

Conditions of the “Ultra” tariff:

  • unlimited 4G Internet;
  • unlimited calls within the Vodafone Ukraine network;
  • one thousand minutes to communicate with subscribers of other networks;
  • three hundred minutes for calls abroad;
  • a thousand messages to any numbers;
  • The monthly fee is six hundred hryvnia.

Conditions of the “Ultra VIP” tariff from Vodafone Ukraine:

  • unlimited internet on 4G network;
  • unlimited calls within your own network;
  • unlimited communication with subscribers of other networks;
  • seven hundred and fifty minutes for calls abroad;
  • two and a half thousand messages to any numbers;
  • The monthly fee is one and a half thousand hryvnia.

Among Vodafone Ukraine tariffs there are many offers aimed at maintaining communications not only within Ukraine, but throughout the world. This is a huge advantage for the brand’s Ukrainian clients. Finding out the connection conditions and operation of each tariff, as well as information about the Vodafone mobile operator in general, will help the user to navigate the telecommunications market perfectly. Mobile communications are constantly evolving, and it is better to keep an eye on the emergence of new tariffs, services, options and promotions to always be up to date.

Cellular communications in Donbass

Not so long ago, information that new special Vodafone Ukraine tariffs would be introduced for the DPR and LPR remained only rumors - there was no confirmation on the company’s official portal. It is quite difficult for any operator providing cellular communication services to work in the conditions prevailing in this territory. The main essence of the difficulties is not the lack of equipment or the inability to provide quality customer service, but the combat operations. The result of this was the repeated interruption of Vodafone Ukraine communications in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions due to broken cables, which caused panic among residents.

Representatives of the MTS company stated that only a third of all equipment worked in ORDLO, so providing mobile communications for this uncontrolled territory turned into a very difficult task.

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