Call details Megafon without access to the phone

Megafon is the most advanced mobile operator and offers its customers many interesting tariff plans. Most of them are packages, which include a certain number of free calls, SMS and Internet traffic, but, as a rule, are prepaid with a subscription fee. But which of you counts and controls exactly how many messages you sent to your friend? Nobody. Therefore, we often go beyond the limits established by the tariff. And then an exorbitant withdrawal of funds from the balance begins, which clearly quickly resets the balance to zero. What to do? Let's go for an answer.

Signs of a swindler based on Megafon details

You have found a site on the Internet where you are offered to find out where the Megafon subscriber called. How to understand whether they are scammers or not? Will they give you details, or will they cheat you?

The easiest way to understand this is by price. The fact is that only a telecom operator employee who has access to technical information from base stations can make detailed calls to another subscriber’s Megafon. There are no other ways. No matter who tells you what.

Such an employee will not take risks for pennies, because the security services of operators know about such “moles” and try to catch them. Therefore, the employee must share with his superiors. And the one who made the site you found should earn something from this.

Therefore, if the price for issuing Megafon calls is less than 10,000 rubles, these are scammers with a guarantee. You pay them money and that's the end of it.

But a high price for a service is not a guarantee of integrity. After all, if all the swindlers set a low price, then you can set a high one and then say: you see, they are all bad, they are deceivers - but I don’t, because mine is expensive. And cheat you out of 10,000 rubles.

Therefore, pay attention to whether the potential Megafon detailing contractor is interested in your situation? Or does it require full prepayment here and now? If they demand full advance payment and quickly, they are scammers. They strike iron without leaving the cash register.

And then there are people who ask for a personal meeting. These are usually operatives, this is how they earn stars for their shoulder straps. They will catch you and file a case against you for “illegal detailing” or “invasion of privacy.”

So if a potential contractor offers you to make a full prepayment for detailing other people’s calls to Megafon, if he is not interested in your situation or offers a personal meeting, run away from him without looking back.

OK then. What does a decent contractor look like?

Where to get it?

A single statement is ordered to MegaFon mobile or in your Personal Account. The period during which you can make a printout through these self-service services does not exceed six months. But once a day it is free.

To do this, go to the “Replenishments and expenses for the month” tab and go to “Details”. Another way is to select “Statistics and detailing” in the “Services” menu. Here, indicate the period of the report and how you will receive it.

To view the upload from your cell phone, use the command *105*803# or contact the number 0500 and extension numbers 1-2 with an answering machine.

For a longer period, you need to go to the operator’s office with an identification document and you will have to pay from 3 to 90 rubles, depending on the days chosen.

Details of calls and other telephone transactions for the previous month can be issued by mail, delivery by courier or by e-mail also for 90 rubles, plus individual delivery. Just dial 0500 from MegaFon or 8 (800) 5500–00 from another phone.

But free generalized invoices for the past 30 calendar days are also received by fax before the 10th of the current month. In your personal web interface, select the same menu items as for one-time decryption, or contact the operator’s salon in person.

A message with the latest five charges is called by dialing *512#.

Please note that statements are available for no more than the last 3 years, and delivery to e-mail only works if it is registered in your personal account.

Signs of a decent detailing contractor Megafon

  1. Price. Around 15,000 rubles per month for call printouts. This amount includes the earnings of all people in the chain.
  2. Human attitude towards the client. A normal contractor will not sell you something you don’t need. A normal contractor wants you to recommend him to friends, and not send rays of diarrhea in his direction. And to do this, he will ask you questions to understand your situation and offer the best solution.
  3. He will show you an example of detail for a small amount so that you do not doubt his honesty. Typically, such verification details cost from 2000 to 3000 rubles.
  4. Doesn't rush you into a decision. You can always call his number and the same person will always answer you.

If you contact someone and see all four of these signs, you will most likely get what you want. Of course, the topic of detailing calls from someone else’s number is slippery and, as in any slippery topic, there are 90% scammers here. But there are also 10% of decent contractors.

Other detailing options

Megafon subscribers can control their expenses for mobile communication services not only by ordering detailed information. They have the opportunity to use special options available from the cellular operator for these purposes. The most useful of them will be discussed below.

CMC check

CMC check is a free option that allows the client to receive notifications that funds have been credited to his mobile account. This function allows the subscriber to be aware of when and by what amount his balance was replenished. After the amount is credited, the user receives a CMC on their phone with information about the time, the amount of funds credited, as well as the current account status.

The option can be activated in several ways:

  • Use the functionality of your Personal Account, for which you will need to enter the “Services, options” section;
  • Enter USSD combination *313*1#;
  • Send CMC to 5013 with the word “YES” in the text part.

Balance of loved ones

Megafon clients often credit money not only to their mobile account, but also top up the balance of their child, parents and other loved ones. Thanks to the free “Lovely Ones Balance” feature, they can independently monitor the status of their account without constantly asking them about it.

The person who controls the balance of another is a guardian, and the one whose account is controlled is a ward. To activate the service, the ward must enter the combination *438*1* guardian's phone number#. The subscriber with this number will be able to track the client’s balance. To view the data, the guardian will need to enter the request *100*ward number#. Management is carried out by phone 000006.

Live Balance

The option allows the Megafon client to receive information about the amount spent after each use of paid services. After making an outgoing call or sending a CMC, a table with the amount of funds spent on the action and the current balance status is displayed.

The subscriber can use the “Live Balance” function not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also while roaming. The service is available from both a mobile phone and a tablet. It is necessary to review incoming information in a timely manner, since the sign appears without sound.

You can enable the option:

  • In the “Services, options” section of your Personal Account on Megafon;
  • By sending a short command *134*1#.

At the end of the procedure, the subscriber will receive a notification about the successful activation of the service.

Contact us and we will help you get details of Megafon calls

After everything you've read, you're now thinking: first they dumped a bucket of slop on their competitors, and now they're telling you how good they are. Is it true?

But what to do if this is the case? We are just one of those 10% of decent contractors. What a score.

If you really need details of Megafon calls, we will help you. But if you don’t need it, we won’t sell it to you.

Do you know why?

Because we are detectives, not detail salesmen. We comprehensively solve sensitive customer problems using different tools. And detailing someone else’s number is just one of the tools. Sometimes it is needed, and sometimes it is not.

How to get the last 5 charges?

If you only need a summary of the latest movements on the number, order a statement of the last 5 expenses (this includes calls, messages, Internet access and payments for other services).

The operation is called “Last 5 debits from the account”; no fee is charged for it:

  • To view the data, enter a simple command *512# call. The statement will be sent via SMS.
  • Another option is to dial *105*5050# call. In this ordering option, you will need to provide a password for your personal account.
  • If you want to find out only about paid operations, use the command *105*5055#.

When is it wise to order a printout of other people's Megafon calls?

  1. Suspicions of adultery. In addition to bare statistics, we will analyze your situation and identify suspicious numbers, as well as what contact scheme was used. This way you will understand in what cases you can talk about cheating.
  2. Business problems. Competitive intelligence, intercepting “fat” clients, probing connections before important negotiations, identifying “moles” in your company.
  3. Problems with minor children. It happens that a teenager disappears for several days. You can quickly find out who your child was talking to and when. This will help you make the right decision: whether to just wait or raise the alarm.

Of course, there are different cases when you need to get a printout of someone else's phone calls. These are just the most typical ones.

So call us and tell us what situation you are in.

Who can request data

In addition to the subscriber himself, his detailed information can be obtained by unauthorized persons, as well as police officers and investigative committee officers conducting operational-search activities.
To do this, they do not need the consent of the subscriber, but a court decision. For what purposes can law enforcement agencies request details of a Megafon subscriber they are interested in:

  • initiation of a criminal case in which the subscriber is considered a suspect or witness;
  • to find out the location of the suspect at the time of the crime;
  • to find a subscriber whose location no one knows;
  • to determine the direction of movement during an accident;
  • confirmation/denial of the fact of a meeting between two persons.

In legal practice, it is possible to submit a petition to the investigator leading the case to request details of calls linked to base stations, the so-called billing.

Today, interception and recording of telephone conversations of any operators, as part of a criminal investigation, is provided for by Article 186 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. But this requires court approval.

How much does it cost to find out where a Megafon subscriber called?

We don't have fixed prices. We don’t do the details ourselves, we just have several verified contacts with telecom operators. Our task is to ensure that the customer and the contractor are satisfied with each other. And for this mediation we charge a commission, which is different in each case. In addition, we do not take on all cases.

We work with regular clients without prepayment, and with new clients with an advance payment of 3,000 rubles. For this money you will receive part of the details at the specified number and make sure that we have all the information. You pay the balance and immediately receive a full printout (per month or per year).

The printout will contain the numbers of incoming and outgoing calls, the date and time of calls, the duration of calls and our analytics for identifying suspicious numbers.

Monthly bill

When using this service, the subscriber will be able to receive details of the expense of funds from his number account for the last 30 days. It will display completed payments connected to the service number. To activate you can:

  • Go to the nearest office with your passport.
  • Visit your Megafon personal account, activate src=»» class=»aligncenter» width=»720″ height=»624″[/img]

You can receive the summary in paper and electronic versions.

What should you understand before calling us for the first time?

  1. That we will never meet again. This is how we protect both you and us.
  2. That you are obtaining information illegally. There is nothing wrong with this, just remember this - and don’t tell anyone about the source of your information.
  3. That you should not persuade us to give details “in just one day.” You can get details only for a month or six months. It's not up to us.
  4. That you need to be prepared for the fact that you may find out something that you don’t want to know.
  5. That we need to describe the problem to us in sufficient detail so that we understand which tool is best to use. Megafon detailing is not a panacea.
  6. That your order decision should not depend on magnetic storms in the sun: today you want detailing, but tomorrow you change your mind.
  7. That you should not catch a person in a lie. If he has already taken this path, he will turn away. We must operate with facts. This is exactly what you come to us for.
  8. That you don’t have to feel guilty about getting a printout of other people’s calls. You are not doing this out of idle interest. You've been backed into a corner. The one who treats you like a pig feels guilty.

What is detailing?

According to the definition, detailing refers to a detailed, accessible, decrypted list of services provided and used by a specific subscriber from a mobile operator, be it calls, SMS, Internet traffic provided; detailing also includes the provision of full prices for all services received, down to the penny. This procedure is carried out for absolutely any SIM card of any phone; the place where the SIM card is used also does not matter, as long as it is authorized.

By and large, Megafon provides several subtypes of detail. The first is Express Detailing . This operation provides a detailed breakdown of the movement of finances on the subscriber’s balance account during the week. Such information can be received on your own mobile phone at the end of the week in the form of an MMS message or even in your mailbox, where it is in the form of a table with a complete list of all services consumed.

The price for such information is one-time, and amounts to just over twenty rubles with all taxes. To get the result of such a procedure, you need to execute the appropriate command from your mobile phone, in the context of which you need to dial *113# on the keyboard, or simply send an SMS message to the four-digit number 5039, the text of which must contain the subscriber’s email address.

The second is Periodic . Such a service consists of providing a full report on the subscriber’s balance account at the end of each month, which will describe in detail - when and how much was spent. The cost of such a service is fixed, and for one month it is about one hundred rubles. You can order a similar operation for yourself in two ways - either by calling the number 0500, or by using the capabilities of your personal account “Service Guide”. The third is one-time detailing .

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