How to disable or activate the “Auto Fines” service from Beeline? Instructions

For Beeline subscribers, the company has developed a special offer called “Auto Fines.” The program is designed so that clients can receive up-to-date information about possible unpaid fines through text messages or information received on phones with the Android operating system.

The main purpose of such a service is to timely pay fines directly from a mobile balance or through a bank card. The option works by using official data. For a more detailed understanding of the service, you should read the material provided in the review.


The user receives information about committed violations and existing fines that require repayment in the form of an SMS. The same information is available in the mobile application on Android or iOS.

Linking a bank card number allows you to instantly pay the required amount, without visiting a bank office or standing in queues.

The information received on the phone is correct and based on data from the registers of government agencies:

  1. Traffic police
  2. Federal Treasury.
  3. Moscow Department of Information Technologies.

Who is it useful for?

The auto fines option from Beeline is available to subscribers in the form of a special application on their mobile phone. To start using this service, you will need to download the program onto your smartphone. An important detail is that the service only works on Android devices. You can download the application for free on the Play Market. Following installation, you will need to register and authorize. Afterwards the subscriber will be able to view all information about his fines. Also, directly on the website you can make payment in any convenient way.

This option is mainly aimed at drivers who often violate traffic rules.

Who can use the “Auto Fines” option?

Any car owner can submit a request to connect to the service if he is a client of a mobile operator. This allows him to avoid wasting time visiting authorities and overcoming bureaucratic delays that inevitably arise in such cases.

The service is not limited to data transfer for one vehicle. An application can be generated for several machines at once. The user can receive information for other family members from the Traffic Police Fines database. Therefore, pay the fines of several persons at once.

Fine for viewing pornography

2. Distribution, public display or advertising of pornographic materials or objects among minors, or involvement of a minor in the circulation of pornographic products, committed by a person who has reached the age of eighteen, -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or by forced labor for a term of up to two years, or by imprisonment for the same term.

1. Illegal production and (or) movement across the State Border of the Russian Federation for the purpose of distribution, public demonstration or advertising, or distribution, public demonstration or advertising of pornographic materials or objects -

A window popped up that said a 2,500 fine for excessive viewing of pornography. Can they send you a fine for watching pornography through children in Mytishchi? I was fined for watching pornography, what should I do? Can a minor be fined for viewing pornography? Hello! I was fined 5,000 rubles for viewing pornography. What should I do? Publications Fines for viewing Fines for viewing sites Ministry of Internal Affairs fines for viewing Fines for viewing videos Are there fines for viewing.

How to pay a Beeline fine

As a result, users will receive SMS messages regarding all sanctions; in addition, other information will be indicated in the body of the letter:

Conditions for providing the option and payment

Connection is free of charge. A new user is given 7 days to test the capabilities of the service, during which the service is free. If the user previously refused the option, then when reconnecting, the free period is no longer provided by the company .

The cost of service is 1 ruble per day :

  • Subscribers using the prepaid payment system will be debited daily.
  • For other users, it is possible to include it in the general account with a monthly subscription fee of 30 rubles .

All messages within the service (for connection or disconnection requests) are free of charge.

Opinion of service users

Almost all customer reviews about the option under consideration are positive. The fee for the service is insignificant; only 1 ruble is withdrawn from the account per day. When compared with the amount of fines and sanctions imposed for late payment, this cost is quite acceptable for many car owners of personal vehicles.

You can always have information about the presence of unpaid fines. This is especially true for large cities and metropolitan areas, where fines are received more often, due to the fact that many more automatic video cameras are installed, based on the information of which “chain letters” are sent out. There are no hidden fees found in the service, everything is presented honestly and clearly.

How to connect: current methods

Information about the presence of fines will be made immediately after connection.

Available options:

1. Log in to your personal account , and then activate the option from the list of available services. 2. Follow the instructions of the automatic assistant by calling the short number 0618 .

Send an SMS with the text “START” or “START” to number 7906.

4. Make settings through the application on Android or iOS.
5. Visit the nearest branch of the Beeline customer service office with the necessary documents. Additional information options available:

1. You should fill out the form located at the link Then confirm your phone number. 2. Send a text to short number 7272 with one of the commands:

2.1. “CHECK”—check for fines. 2.2. “START FINE” - declare the desire to be automatically notified about the detection of new fines. 2.3. “HELP”—request a list of possible commands. 2.4. “STOP FINE” - refuse notification.

The subscriber is required to indicate the number of the vehicle registration certificate, as well as its State number.

How to use and manage the service

In order to receive all the necessary information about your violations, you will need to provide your personal information in advance. This is required for registration. It is simple and will require the following information from the user:

  • A document that will serve as confirmation of vehicle registration.
  • State number of the car.

After entering all the necessary data, the subscriber will have the opportunity to check all the information available on fines. To start working with the application, you will first need to activate the option on your smartphone.

When any sanctions are imposed by the law on the user, he will receive corresponding notifications on his mobile phone. The SMS messages will indicate the payment amount and document number.

How to disable “Auto fines” on Beeline?

If a person no longer uses the car, or he has sold it, then the service becomes irrelevant.

To deactivate it, you need to use any of the following methods:

1. Dial the number – 0684-210-938 and follow the instructions from the auto-informer. 2. Send a text message to 7906 with the word “STOP” or “STOP”.

3. Log in
to your personal account and refuse the option in the corresponding list . 4. Unsubscribe through the mobile application. 5. Contact the employees of any sales office of the mobile company personally, or call the operator at 0611.

Important! If you are outside the country, you cannot connect via 0618, or disconnect via 0694-210-938.


Anyone who has a car can activate the service using several methods:

  1. If you have a computer and access to the Internet, it is recommended to connect to the service through your personal account on the Beeline website. To do this, you need to log in to the system and go through the services section. Find the required service there and click on the activation button. In general, using your personal account is very simple and intuitive.
  2. You can also activate the service by calling service number 0618. After the call, the option will be activated for 15 minutes.
  3. Users can also connect if they send a text message to the operator. It will require the word START or START. Sending is done to phone 7906. After activation, the operator will send a counter SMS with confirmation data for connection.
  4. If you have difficulty turning it on yourself, it is recommended to seek help from Beeline employees. To do this, users can go to any company branch of the company and ask an employee for help. You can also call the operator at 0611, who will kindly help or give advice. For both methods of receiving assistance, you must have a passport.

How to pay a fine from the traffic police using Beeline?

The mobile operator has created all the conditions for prompt notification of new fines, as well as their immediate repayment. Moreover, the state encourages payment discipline among citizens - early payment (within 20 days from the date of the decision) provides a 50% discount on most primary traffic violations. Late payment implies the imposition of penalties in the form of penalties. If you do not pay the fine within 70 days, you will face a doubling of the fine amount.

Payment options:

  1. You should go to the official website In the “Payment and Finance” menu, select “Payment for services”. In the window that opens, go to “Traffic Police Fines.” Fill in the appropriate fields(s) with your personal information. Remit payment.
  2. Download and install the “Auto Fines” mobile application on Android or iOS. Perform an operation through it.

Application photo gallery:

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The commission fee is:

  • 4% if the debit is made from the subscriber’s phone number.
  • 3.95% + 10 rubles if payment is made from a bank card.

Download and registration

In addition to the application, Beeline clients can use the auto-notification service.
It makes it difficult to skip paying the order and forget about the fine. The service is available to all clients of the company. An option is provided on a paid basis - the subscription fee per day is only 1 ruble. New users can test the service for 7 days for free. All users can use it. But Beeline clients receive advanced features, for example, paying fines from a mobile phone or creating templates for automatic repayment.

Pros and cons of Beeline's fine payment service

Over the long-term practice of using the option by users, no negative aspects have been identified.

Among the advantages are:

  1. Intuitive design of the application.
  2. Timely transmission of data on new fines, as well as verification of existing ones.
  3. Complete disclosure of the essence of the violation - the location of the accident on the map, the administrative provisions provided for, the status of payment of the fine.
  4. Several payment options - both by phone and through the official Internet resource.
  5. Archiving data that can be accessed at any time. They can be referred to in a controversial situation if necessary.

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Advantages and disadvantages of Beeline

This option has a wide list of advantages:

  1. Using your Personal Account, you can check possible fines.
  2. Users have the opportunity to review their debt payment history.
  3. The application is connected to the phone, so SMS messages will be sent as notifications.
  4. Access to viewing the time, place, amount, as well as other information on each of the fines.
  5. Payment is made using convenient methods.
  6. After paying the fines, you can receive a check from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

What is this “Auto Fines” service?

is a service created by the Beeline operator, with the help of which you can now track all the data regarding fines, which makes it possible to pay money for them on time.

Those who have this function, if traffic rules (parking) are violated or debts arise due to late payment of fines, they will immediately receive a notification in the form of SMS on their smartphone.

All information regarding fines is collected; Beeline cooperates only with reliable sources: the Treasury of the Russian Federation and the traffic police database.

More than half of families in Russia have at least one personal car. Today, a car has finally ceased to be a luxury and has become almost a necessity. Along with the benefits that the car brings, it requires attention from the owner, including knowledge and compliance with traffic rules.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is not always possible to be as attentive as possible while driving, as a result of which fines are almost inevitable. It is necessary to pay traffic fines on time, and to make them easier to track, the Beeline “Auto Fines” service was developed, which is convenient to use using your phone.

Penalty for non-payment

A fine imposed for non-compliance with traffic rules must be paid no later than 60 days from the date of receipt of the notification. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia, liability for failure to pay a fine for an administrative offense is as follows:

  • a new fine of double the amount not paid;
  • administrative arrest – up to 15 days;
  • compulsory work – up to 50 hours.

The decision on the issue of evasion of payment of a fine is made by the court. After the meeting, materials for execution are sent to the FSSP unit. Bailiffs are required to implement appropriate measures to collect debt. In addition, the defaulter faces restriction of travel abroad and deprivation of his driver’s license.

However, according to the law, any fine can be appealed. A 10-day period is given to file a complaint with the traffic police or a court. The interval is counted from the moment the decision is received. If the paper arrived by mail, this is 10 days from the date of delivery of the notice.

You can also appeal a parking fine, the amount of which ranges from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, by contacting the traffic police in person or through the government services portal. To ensure the correctness of the complaint, it is better to enlist the support of an experienced lawyer.

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