How to activate or deactivate the “Favorite Numbers” service on MTS?

Mobile operators offer a large number of tariffs and services for subscribers. Among the offers there are very profitable ones that can significantly reduce the cost of cellular communications.

The “Favorite Number” service from MTS is intended for those who often and for a long time talk with some of their friends and relatives.

There are 3 main ways to connect, but first check out the features of the service below:

USSD command*111*42#
Personal Areavia
Contacting the MTS salonWith the help of a salon employee


The monthly service fee begins to be charged the moment you add your first favorite number.
As your favorite, you can select the number of MTS and Vodafone Ukraine or MTS Armenia subscribers using the following codes:

Armenia MTS: +37477, +37493, +37494, +37498, +37449, +37488 Ukraine MTS and Vodafone: +38050, +38066, +38095, +38099.

The service is valid only if you have “Easy roaming and international access” and are in your home region.

The service does not work simultaneously with, “Beneficial international calls”, “MTS countries”, “Favorite country Ukraine”, “Favorite country Armenia”, “Favorite country. The whole world"

The option does not apply to forwarded and CSD calls.

When turned off, the last favorite number is turned off automatically. If you want to add your favorite numbers again, you need to reconnect.

In May 2021, one of the leading companies providing cellular communication services on the Russian market, MTS, offered its customers a new service. The unique option “Favorite number of Ukraine and Armenia” is intended for those who constantly or for a long time communicate with subscribers from these regions, which by all accounts is not cheap. This mainly concerns conversations with subscribers from Ukraine. The offer from MTS allows you to make calls to selected numbers for a once-set fee once a month and thereby save significantly.

“Anti Caller ID on request” from MTS: details

Another modification of this service is the “On request” option. This option will be ideal for subscribers who do not need to systematically hide their number, but nevertheless use this opportunity quite often.

The essence of the proposal is this: by activating the service, subscribers will make calls under standard conditions, and other customers will see their number on their devices, however, when entering the appropriate combination before directly dialing the subscriber’s number, the number hiding service will be activated and operate exclusively for this one call.

How to enable or disable “Anti Caller ID on request”

The option is also not offered free of charge, and its terms and conditions provide for the following prices:

  • Connection option: 32 rubles;
  • Fee for each day of use: 1.05 rubles;
  • Each one-time number identification ban: 2 rubles for 1 call;
  • Disconnection procedure: free.


The essence of the proposal is that the subscriber selects three telephone numbers registered with a mobile operator in Armenia or Ukraine. If you pay a certain amount monthly, outgoing calls to these numbers will be made unlimited for a month. The option is available on all current MTS operator tariffs.

According to the conditions, the selected favorite numbers must belong to the MTS company in Armenia and the Vodafone or MTS companies in Ukraine. There are no additional restrictions on the number of minutes spent per day or per month. The offer is valid subject to international access and the presence of the subscriber within the home region. This is the region in which the SIM card was purchased and registered.

There are some restrictions on using the service:

  1. It does not apply if call forwarding is enabled or for calls made via the CSD protocol.
  2. Not supported in parallel with and “Favorite Country”.

Terms and restrictions

Now you know what it is, how to set your favorite number and check the remaining traffic. It remains to be seen about the restrictions. To begin with, there is a restriction by country. Unlimited calls are available only on popular destinations. In other countries it does not apply. Another limitation concerns connection time - the number can only be installed from July 30 to October 30, 2021, at the height of the tourist season.

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For several years he worked in mobile phone stores of two large operators. I understand tariffs well and see all the pitfalls. I love gadgets, especially Android ones.

How to connect your favorite numbers

There are two connection options. This can be done through your personal account in the “My MTS” mobile application (if this application is installed) or by sending short commands directly from your smartphone.

The connection diagram via the mobile application is as follows:

  1. Log in to the “My MTS” application on your smartphone.
  2. In the upper left corner there is an icon in the form of three strokes. Click on it and enter the menu.
  3. In the menu window, scroll down and go to the “Services” line.
  4. On the services page, click “Available” located on the right side.
  5. Click on the line “Call discounts”.
  6. Select the required service and click the red “Connect” button below.

Before connecting, carefully read the description of the service and its terms and conditions.

The second activation method is to dial the combination *111*56*0# and press the call button.

After the option is activated, you can proceed to the settings:

  • To add a number to the list, you must dial *111*56*1*(country telephone code)(subscriber number)# and press the call key. You can add all numbers at once, or one at a time as needed. After adding, you will receive an SMS message confirming that it was successfully added.
  • To check the added numbers you also need a short command. You need to dial the combination *111*56# and press the call button. Then, after sending the request, follow the prompts of the menu that appears.

There is no additional charge for adding or changing selected numbers. You can change one of them or all of them at once an unlimited number of times, also for free.

When entering numbers into the menu, you must remember that for subscribers from Ukraine, the telephone number along with the country code is 12 digits. For telephone numbers of subscribers from Armenia – 11 digits.

Additional features

You should know that in addition to the main savings from calls, the user gets the opportunity to check the balance of another MTS LLC subscriber, since within the option itself there is a system for dialing a USSD request of the form “*111*2137#” + “Call”.
This allows you to connect the balance of another subscriber. This can also be done through working with the “Internet Assistant”. If you need to find out the balance of another person included in the “Favorite Numbers” program, you simply need to enter a USSD request of the established type “*140*number (without dialing eight)#” + “Call”. After this, an SMS message with the necessary text will be sent to your device. Remember that the “other subscriber’s balance” service itself is provided completely free of charge.

With gratitude,

How to disable the service

To disable the service, you can use one of the following options:

  • Delete all numbers previously entered as favorites using a short command. To do this, dial the combination *111*56*2* [country code][phone number of the subscriber]# and press the call key. This operation is carried out for each number.
  • Deactivate the service in your personal account of the My MTS mobile application. To do this, in the menu, find the item “find the required service and disable it.
  • Call MTS directly using a single short number 0890. Select a connection with an operator and use their help.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages include:

  1. Option availability. It can be activated on all tariff plans.
  2. Price. Without connecting to the service, when making frequent calls, you will spend much more money on mobile communications.
  3. There are many ways to connect.
  4. Managed from your personal account.
  5. Easy to turn off.

Among the shortcomings, some users named the size of the subscription payment. But,

This is mainly noticed by those subscribers who do not often call Ukraine and Armenia.

About the operator and service

MTS is one of the leaders in the Russian cellular communications market. The reasons for the company's popularity are quite simple:

  • A large number of available tariffs. Clients can always choose a suitable plan.
  • Optimal prices for services.
  • The company invests heavily in marketing and market promotion.
  • Constantly improves the quality of communication.
  • Offers ample opportunities for subscribers.

MTS has many additional options. They improve conditions and save money. This fact also attracts customers.

The MTS Favorite number service in Ukraine and Armenia is a popular offer. Don’t want to overpay when calling subscribers from these countries? Then you should use the presented solution.


Every day subscribers make a huge number of calls in different directions. We each have a small circle of trusted people with whom we interact most throughout the day. Now you can significantly reduce your costs for cellular services, calls and correspondence with loved ones, friends and relatives. All this is possible thanks to the Favorite MTS number service. Today in the review we will take a closer look at this option and analyze its features, as well as the terms of provision.

Description of service

What is the “trick” of this proposal? You can choose three phones to which you will call without restrictions. There are no packages of minutes or various additional conditions. It is enough to pay a subscription fee once a month and you can make calls of any duration.

  1. You can add three phones.
  2. The cost of calls is 0 rub.
  3. There are no restrictions on the amount of minutes spent per day or per month.
  4. Subscription fee – 190 rubles for plans with paid packages, 250 rubles for programs with a postpaid system.

Important! You can only add MTS Ukraine, Vodafone and Vivasell numbers to your favorites list. If your relatives use a SIM card from another company, they will have to connect to the specified operators.

Of course, 190/250 rubles per month is a fairly serious amount. But if you make a lot of calls to loved ones, then the subscription fee will pay for itself in full. You can forget about additional restrictions and communicate comfortably with relatives in these countries.

One more thing – the option is valid when you are in your home region. This is the subject of the Russian Federation in which the SIM card was purchased. If you travel outside your home region, the service temporarily becomes unavailable.

What does using ?

The contact list of any cellular client contains many numbers. But among them there is data from those people who receive calls more often than others and speak with them for a long time. Just for such contacts, Mobile Telesystems offers the “Favorite Number” service with a 50% discount on calls, SMS and MMS for selected friends and relatives.

The user has the right to subscribe up to 3 contacts to this service, and these can be subscribers of any mobile communication companies in the home region and clients of city telephone networks.

Mobile Telesystems do not provide the “Favorite Numbers” service for all tariffs, so before connecting you should find out about the possibility of providing the service at the subscriber’s tariff.

The cost of activating the service is 25 rubles per contact. A daily fee of 1.5 rubles is charged for the service. for each number.

Some tariff plans have special conditions, which can be found on the website in the tariff plan description.

How to connect?

The terms of the offer are quite simple and clear. But before activating, determine how often you call your relatives. It’s just that the company has other, more profitable solutions for customers.

How to connect your Favorite number of Ukraine and Armenia to MTS? You need:

  • Dial command *111*56*0#. It is required to activate the option.
  • To add a number, you need to use the request *111*56*1* #.

You can check the connected numbers. To do this, use the command *111*56#. After sending the request, a menu will appear in which you must select the appropriate item.

Re-registration of a number to another owner

The “Change of Owner” service can be provided to any users of the Operator’s services in the territory of Moscow and Moscow Region.

In order to renew the agreement as quickly as possible, the transferring and receiving parties need to visit the company’s office at Moscow, st. Vorontsovskaya, 4, building 3 and draw up a corresponding act. Each party must have an identification document with them.

When a private person is on one side or another in changing the registration, his direct presence, or the person who represents him on the basis of a notarized power of attorney, will be required.

Re-registration is free of charge.


This option is not suitable for all subscribers. Some customers do not make many calls to these states. In this case, the operator has an alternative option - “Profitable calls to other countries.”

Let's study the conditions for this offer:

  1. Calls to MTS Ukraine and Vodafone - 2.5 rubles.
  2. At Vivasell – 1 ruble.
  3. Subscription fee – 0 rub.

Prices apply for a total call duration of 60 minutes per day. Starting from 61 minutes the cost will be 5 rubles.

This offer will be an excellent solution for connection. The key advantage is the complete absence of subscription fees. You don't have to pay for the service; you can save a certain amount.

Disadvantage - preferential prices apply only to numbers of specific operators. Therefore, your relatives will have to connect to them so that you can save on calls.

MTS “Super Caller ID” option: details

The latest type of Caller ID service has the prefix “Super” in its name and plays a slightly different role, unlike previous variations. This service is designed for subscribers who want to identify and see the numbers of absolutely all incoming calls, regardless of whether the owners of these phones hide them or not.

By activating this option, the numbers of incoming subscribers will be displayed in a standard form. The service is offered for a fee, and its activation will cost subscribers a round sum of 2 thousand rubles. In addition, the terms of the offer also provide for a subscription fee of 6.50 rubles. per day.


To connect, you can use the command *111*965#. There is another way - in your personal account. To do this you need:

  • Go to the company website.
  • Go to your personal account.
  • Enter your phone number and password.
  • After logging in, go to the services section.
  • Find an offer you are interested in.
  • Read its terms and conditions and click on the button to activate.

In your personal account, you can disable the option at any time. It is also possible to deactivate it using the command *111*965#. When connecting and disconnecting, the client should receive an SMS notification confirming the operation.

If SMS messages are required

If a subscriber likes to communicate via SMS messages, then he can subscribe to a package of 50 or 100 SMS for communication while traveling around Europe. The cost of one message included in the package will be from 3.50 rubles. This service is available on any tariff plan. You can send messages to any number around the world.

When traveling to other countries, you can also connect to a package of SMS messages, but they will be more expensive. The cost of one SMS will be from 7 rubles. They can be sent to subscribers in any country in the world.

The MTS company provides quite favorable conditions for roaming. Many tariffs provide special options that allow you to save on communication services.

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