How to call the police from MTS from a mobile phone - free phone number

Providing unlimited access to the use of emergency numbers is one of the directions of mobile operators, supported by relevant government projects. Every mobile phone owner should know how to call the police from MTS, which provides an additional guarantee of personal safety and the opportunity to help other people in a certain situation.

The police number, like other emergency services, corresponds to a certain standard accepted throughout Russia and the CIS countries. In this material we will look at:

  • standard methods of contacting the police;
  • use of third-party software and functionality of mobile devices;
  • Features of making an emergency call.

Where to call in an emergency

The single number for any emergency situation is 112. You can dial it even if your cell phone does not have a SIM card or the mobile phone from which you plan to make the call is blocked. The code is valid for any operators, the call is free. A connection is made to the answering machine, after which you should select the appropriate number for forwarding: Ministry of Emergency Situations - 1; police - 2; emergency medical care - 3; gas service - 4.

Call 112 can be made not only in Russia, but also in the EU countries. The signal is sent to the system of the operator whose subscriber made the call. If the line fails, the call is transferred to other mobile operators.

Responsibility for false calls

We emphasize that the work of emergency services is serious and important, therefore false messages from subscribers are criminally punishable. Thus, for a deliberately false call, the violator will pay a fine of 1,000 to 1,500 rubles. Besides. the hooligan will be sent to 100 hours of correctional labor. Statistics show that for every hundred in Russia there are 4 false calls.

If such a crime is committed by a minor, then his parents are responsible. Therefore, be careful and call services only when it is really necessary.

In a life-threatening situation, it is unacceptable to waste time wondering where to turn for help. Different three-digit numbers are valid for mobile operator customers. It is important to find out in advance how to call the police from MTS.

How to call the police from a mobile MTS

List of telephone numbers for calling emergency services.
There are several ways to call the police (formerly the police) from a mobile phone:

  1. You can dial the number combination 102 (the call is allowed for all operators).
  2. Add 0 to the usual 02 and call the police using the resulting three-digit code 020 (for clients of MTS, Tele2, Megafon, Rostelecom and Motiv).
  3. Call the universal number 112 and select code 2.

How to call the Police from an MTS phone - 2 ways to call the Police on MTS

Police, ambulance, fire and gas services are emergency numbers that you should always remember, even if everything is fine. The fact that you have never gone there before is good, but sometimes situations happen nearby when you need to help others, and sometimes yourself.

When thinking about how to call the police from MTS, we often go through the following numbers in our heads: 02, 112, 102. Which ultimately turns out to be correct? Let's look at these numbers in this educational material.

Short number to call the Police on MTS

Since childhood, we have been familiar with the telephone number 02, which was taught at school, at home, on TV and radio. However, this is the number you should call from your home phone, but not from your mobile phone.

With the advent of mobile communications, numbers have become at least three-digit. All emergency numbers have 3 characters and no more, so that subscribers can easily remember them. There is information that previously it was possible to reach the police from MTS by calling 020.

This turned out to be extremely inconvenient, since each operator had its own combination: 020, 002. The confusion turned out to be quite large. Since then, 1 has simply been added to the standard number. And now the police phone number from a mobile phone, be it MTS or another operator, looks like this: 102.

102 is a police service. This is exactly the phone number that can be found on the MTS operator’s website on the official page with useful and emergency numbers. You can find all other combinations on the MTS website

Emergency communication on MTS

  • around the clock;
  • even if there is no money on the balance sheet;
  • when the net doesn't catch;
  • when the SIM card is blocked.

When you call 112, you will be answered either by an answering machine or by a technical support specialist, namely the emergency service of your operator, in our case this is an employee of the MTS company. After reporting what happened, you will be redirected to 01,02,03 depending on the situation.

Now all that remains is to provide your location and brief information about the situation. By calling 112, you will be redirected to 02 - the police in the locality in which you are located or to the nearest one.

Every operator has number 112. It is the mobile company that ensures the activities of the emergency service, hiring employees and competently working with various situations.

In this regard, it is possible that the response method will differ between different operators: in some, a robot answers, and the subscriber needs to press the appropriate button, and in others, a live person who then directs the call where necessary.

Remember the police number - 102 from a mobile phone, 02 from a landline, and 112 is a single emergency number for calls from a phone anywhere and at any time.

Short number to call

In a life-threatening situation, there is rarely access to a landline telephone. Therefore, the standard 01, 02, 03 will not help, because these are two-digit numbers and are not suitable for GSM. Below are three-digit combinations of numbers that can be used to call the necessary emergency services from your mobile device.

It’s easy to remember them, because the caller needs to add the number 1 before the usual number:

  • to contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia you need to dial 101;
  • to connect with the police, use the combination of numbers 102;
  • You can call an ambulance by dialing 103;
  • To contact the gas service, call 104.

It is possible to make a call to these numbers both from MTS and using SIM cards from other cellular operators.

Calling other emergency services

It is better to add in advance to your contact list all the numbers that allow you to call emergency help through MTS on your mobile phone. There have been no special changes with digital dialing: for greater ease of remembering, the same number has been substituted - 1. If we omit the unifying number of all services, then the complete list of important numbers for calling emergency help from a smartphone now looks like this:

  • Ministry of Emergency Situations - “101”;
  • police (formerly police) – “102”;
  • emergency medical care - “103”;
  • gas service - “104”;
  • reference – “109”.

Using the above combinations, both MTS subscribers and clients of other cellular operators will be able to easily contact dispatchers and report the problem.

Knowing how to correctly dial emergency numbers, and in particular the police, on mobile devices will significantly reduce the time spent calling for help in an emergency and avoid unpleasant consequences in the future. In addition, there is a special application for smartphones that automatically makes a call on behalf of the MTS subscriber.

Emergency communication on MTS

Calling emergency services with MTS is simple. The operator made the combinations easy to remember.

You can call emergency services from different operators using these numbers.

When calling from MTS, you can use the following options:

  • 010 - firefighters;
  • 020 - police;
  • 030 - emergency medical care;
  • 040 - gas service.

That is, 0 is added to the main short number at the end.

In order not to waste time searching for the right combination in an unforeseen situation, it is easy to remember 2 options for calling emergency services from a mobile phone:

  1. The number 1 is added to the beginning of the standard number.
  2. Add 0 at the end of the code.

In what cases is it impossible to call emergency services?

Even if you have a phone number at hand, it is not always possible to call the police from your mobile phone.

Firstly, the operator may not provide the service to the required extent. Then the number will be busy.

Secondly, the call is made through a third party, which affects the speed of delivery of information.

Thirdly, the 112 operator employee may not know the city well. This is despite the fact that his responsibility is to find out the exact location of the person.

Therefore, it is always better to call the local emergency services directly. Or ask someone around you to contact emergency services.

When a call is not possible

In some cases, the caller is unable to make an emergency call.

There are several reasons for this:

  • there is no cellular signal in the territory where the subscriber is located;
  • the client's number was previously blocked;
  • the account balance is negative;
  • The SIM card of the mobile phone is damaged.

A call to the rescue service is possible even if the SIM card is blocked.

In such situations, there is a way out - the universal number 112. The above problems apply only to short combinations of individual rescue services, and you can always get help using a single code.

Alternative methods of communication

Also on the territory of the Russian Federation there is an alternative rescue service number - 112 (available from both mobile and landline phones). This is an analogue of 911, which is also actively functioning. Calls to such numbers are available even from a phone without a SIM card, and from a blocked SIM card. 112 line specialists, in turn, will connect you with the appropriate special service to resolve the problem.

Recommendations for communicating with the operator

When talking to an emergency operator, you must describe the current situation in detail. You should try to remain calm and clear-headed, do not panic, and clearly report what happened.

You must know the emergency call instructions by heart.
This will help the dispatcher quickly understand the problem and send a team to help. The operator can ask clarifying questions, which should be answered immediately. If you are asked to stay on the line, under no circumstances should you hang up. You need to make sure that the information is accepted and the service leaves.

If you call 112, you should understand that this is a single help service that provides redirection. The subscriber must report the situation in which he finds himself (fire, gas leak, etc.) and explain how to get there.

After receiving the necessary information, the dispatcher decides which service needs to be sent to help the person who has applied.

How to build a dialogue with the operator?

The single emergency number works not only in Russia, but also in other EU countries. After dialing 112, the signal from the subscriber's phone is sent to the mobile system of the corresponding cellular operator. If the connection attempt fails, the call is redirected to other available networks.

It should be understood that subscribers dial to the control room, which processes emergency calls from other regions and regions. To redirect a request to the required service, the caller must provide:

  1. Reason for contacting the rescue service (road accident, feeling unwell, gas leak);
  2. Where is it located and how can you get to it.

After processing the data, the operator decides which emergency services to send to you for assistance.

In a difficult situation, a person may forget how to correctly call the police or an ambulance from a cell phone. To avoid getting into a difficult situation, it is recommended to write down all the necessary emergency numbers in your phone book.

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Essential rooms

This list of essential numbers needs to be memorized so that when you need them, you can simply dial them from your mobile phone.

  • If there is a fire or you are in trouble, call 101 (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Fire Department).
  • If you urgently need to call the police, dial 102 (police).
  • If you feel unwell or your loved one suddenly becomes ill, call 103 urgently.
  • Does your apartment smell like gas? Then call the gas service at 104.
  • If you don’t know a number, call 109 (inquiry).
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