Tele2 Tariffs Tambov Region with Unlimited Internet 2021 For Phone

Tele2 tariffs and services in Tambov

Many customers prefer Tele2. Why should you choose this company for connection? To understand this, you should study the advantages of the company:

  1. She offers low prices.
  2. Due to this, it is possible to save money.
  3. Over time, the list of available services from the operator increases.
  4. The company is constantly improving the quality of mobile communications.
  5. It has enough base stations to create a large coverage area.
  6. The reliability of the operator's cellular communications is always high.
  7. You can manage services in your personal account or using the application.
  8. The company offers enough tariffs.
  9. Among the available options, you can find the one that suits you.

Let's just say that the Black and Very Black plans are no longer available. They have been archived and the transition to these tariffs has been closed. There is no way you can connect to them; you need to choose among the available options.

What programs are currently presented on the official website? There are several of them:

  • My conversation.
  • My Online and Online+.
  • My Tele2.
  • Classical.
  • Internet for tablets and modems.

This is a new line of plans. Customer needs were taken into account during its development. Each option is designed for a specific group of people. This approach allows you to find an offer that meets your needs for cellular communication services.

The client can switch to Tele2 with his number. To do this you will need:

  1. Come to the company office.
  2. Buy a SIM card.
  3. Leave an application to switch to an operator with your number.
  4. The transfer procedure takes up to eight days.
  5. In the future, you will be able to continue using your old number and will not have to notify your friends and relatives about its change.

Review of the “My Conversation” tariff in the Tambov region for 220 rubles

Home / My conversation / Review of the “My conversation” tariff for Tambov, Michurinsk, Rasskazov

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Tele2 first introduced the “My Conversation” tariff plan in April 2017, the next version of the tariffs was presented in November 2021, which lasted until March 2021 and already in April 2021 the operator introduced the latest version of this tariff. We will base our review on the current edition of My Conversation.

If you subscribed to a tariff before April 2021, then traffic packages, minutes and call costs may differ from the current “My Conversation” tariff.

In the Tambov region and Tambov, the subscription fee for the tariff is set at 220 rubles per month

The tariff includes a package of minutes: 300 for all numbers in the home region
Internet traffic package: 5 GB
, SMS package: 50 pieces for numbers in the Tambov region.

A distinctive feature of the “My Tele2” line of tariffs is the absence of fees for calls to Tele2 numbers in the home region and within Russia; this does not bypass this tariff either. Previously, all tariffs had unlimited traffic on social networks and instant messengers, unfortunately, now “My Conversation” does not include these options, but they can be activated separately for a fee ( total cost 90 rubles)


Free traffic on Facebook

connected with the command: *155*400*1# and costs 20 rubles per month, on
with the command *155*401*1#, cost 20 rubles per month,
free traffic to Odnoklassniki
is connected by ussd request: *155*402*1# cost like all social networks, 20 rubles per month.

Unlimited traffic to instant messengers is cheaper than to social networks - 10 rubles a month for each service. Connecting unlimited to Viber

possible by command: *155*404*1#, on
: *155*403*1#, on
: *155*405*1#.

tariff can be compared with “My Tele2”

at a monthly price they are almost the same:
220 and 240
rubles per month.
But the tariffs turned out to be very different; in some regions the difference in them is not so obvious, except for free traffic and a package of minutes. In the Tambov region and Tambov, the traffic volume is 8 and 5 gigabytes
, but on the “talk” there is also a package of 300 minutes for all numbers in the home region and a package of 50 SMS. If you require a tariff as the main Internet gateway, you should choose “My Conversation”; if you use communications and the Internet equally, you should choose “My Tele2”.

If the Internet package on your tariff is not enough for you, you can always connect additional mobile Internet packages.

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Tariff description My conversation in Tambov and Tambov region

My conversation
Subscription fee220 rub./month
Package of minutes300 min. to all numbers in your home region
Calls to Tele2Calls to Tele2 Tambov region - free Calls to Tele2 Russia - free (do not consume the package min.)
Internet package5 GB
SMS to phone numbers in the Tambov region50 SMS further 1.50
SMS to mobile numbers in Russia2.50 RUR/SMS
MMS in Russia6.50 RUR/SMS
SMS abroad5.50 RUR/SMS
Roaming when traveling within Russia (except for Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea)Incoming calls are free, outgoing calls to Russian numbers are 2 rubles/min.
Calls and SMS above the package when located in the Tambov regionCalls and SMS over the package/for non-payment - 1.50 rub./min and 1.50 rub./SMS. In Russia 2.00 rub./min, 2.50 rub./SMS
Cost of calls to the CIS30.00 rubles per minute
Calls to Europe and the Baltic countries49.00 rubles per minute
Calls to other countries69.00 rubles per minute
Internet in excess of the package / in case of non-payment of the subscription feeThe “More” option is active/no access
"More" optionadditional traffic 500 MB for 50.00 rub
Transferring packagesYes

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?> If on the billing day the amount in your account is insufficient to charge the monthly fee, then traffic and minutes packages are not available to you and the cost of minutes and SMS changes to the tariffs in the table below.

My conversation
Cost of calls to TELE2 home region1.95 rub.
Cost of calls to other numbers in the Tambov region1.95 rub.
Cost of calls to TELE2 Russia2 rub.
Cost of calls to Russian numbers9 rub.
SMS to home numbers1.5 rub.
SMS to numbers in Russia2.5 rub.

How to change or switch to the “My Conversation” tariff in the Tambov region.

To switch to the My Conversation

you can dial the ussd command:
or connect the tariff through your personal account.

The transition cost is free only if you have not changed your tariff within 30 days. Otherwise, the cost of transition for Tambov, Michurinsk, Rasskazov will be 0

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How to disable the Tele2 tariff in Tambov and the Tambov region

There are three ways to disable a tariff plan: switching to another TELE2 tariff (for example, a tariff without a monthly fee), blocking the SIM card, or not using the number for a long time.

You can block a SIM card in your personal account, or by contacting:

  • to support service - 611
  • to the communication salon

To block a SIM card, identification is required:

  • by phone – code word, PUK code of the SIM card or owner’s passport details
  • in the communication salon - an identity document
  • No additional identification is required in your personal account.

If you do not use your number within 4 months and do not credit money to it, then your contract goes into inactive mode

In this mode, 3 rubles will be withdrawn from your account every day until the balance reaches zero or you top up your account. Further, if within 6 months the zero balance remains, Tele2 will terminate the contract with you
and the number can be transferred to another person. At the same time, you will be disconnected from the Internet tariff for devices.

How to find out the remaining minutes and traffic on Tele2 tariffs

To obtain information on the consumption of your Internet packages, SMS and calls, dial the USSD command: *155*0#

Exchange minutes for gigabytes

You can exchange not only for gigabytes, but also for megabytes at the rate: 1 minute = 10.24 MB 10 minutes = 102.4 MB .

You can make an exchange using the USSD command: *155*62*#

Find out the number of minutes you can exchange for the Internet: *155*77#

Request details for exchanging minutes for gigabytes: *155*64#

For the My Conversation tariff in the Tambov region you can get the following options:

  • 300 minutes and 5 GB
  • 250 minutes and 5.5 GB
  • 200 minutes and 6 GB
  • 150 minutes and 6.5 GB
  • 100 minutes and 7 GB
  • 50 minutes and 7.5 GB
  • 0 minutes and 8 GB

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Tariff plans without subscription fee

Looking for plans with no monthly fees? We have to disappoint you, because the company only has one such option. Why is the company no longer working in this area? The reasons are simple:

  • It is profitable for her to sell package plans.
  • She is trying to get as many clients as possible to pay a monthly fee.
  • Batch programs are now at the peak of popularity.
  • Tele2 is trying to satisfy the existing demand in the market.
  • The company has focused all its efforts on creating package plans.

Don't wait for new offers to appear without a subscription fee. Programs with a postpaid system and without traffic are not very popular. Therefore, Tele2 specialists rightly believe that one option will be quite enough for customers.

Is it worth giving up Tele2 package tariffs in the Tambov region? You may change your mind once you learn about their benefits:

  1. These offers offer significant discounts.
  2. You can pay for services once a month.
  3. There is no need to constantly monitor your balance.
  4. It is possible to optimize costs and immediately determine the monthly costs of communication services.

Are you still not attracted to packaged programs? Then you will have to connect to Classic. The conditions for this plan are simple:

  • Calls within your home region – 0.55 rub.
  • Message – 1.5 rub.
  • No monthly fee.

Internet is not included in this tariff. But this service can be activated separately. The company offers traffic packages for subsequent activation.

Additional services

The telecom operator provides additional options for connection. If you include them in a tariff plan, the cost will be added to the subscription fee. Some services will charge you every day. Tele2 provides subscribers with the following options:

  • for calls and messages;
  • safety;
  • actions with number;
  • call management;
  • possibilities at zero.

Promised payment

The service is provided to users depending on the required amount. The subscriber is given the promised payment in the range of 50-300 rubles for 3 days. Depending on this, a commission will be charged.

A Tele2 user is able to receive the “Promised Payment” if there is no more than -30 rubles on his device. To use the service you will need to dial *122*1#. To activate the service, the following conditions apply:

  • the user has been a Tele2 subscriber for more than 1 month;
  • The tariff for the room is provided with a prepaid payment system;
  • the subscriber has not connected previously or the option has expired.

When a user orders a service, the amount of the promised payment and the commission are determined automatically. Detailed information is sent to the subscriber's number. If the promised payment is not available, the telecom operator offers an additional option.

To do this, you will need to dial a text message to number 315. The + sign is written in the body of the SMS, and then it is sent. After some time, the subscriber will receive a response message with detailed information “Promised payment +”. To confirm the action, you must send an SMS with any text to the sender's number.

Internet tariffs

Is there no Internet on the connected Tele2 tariff in the Tambov region, or is the package not enough? In this case, you can use additional services. Available solutions from Tele2:

  1. 5 GB – 120 rub.
  2. 3 GB – 200 rub.
  3. 10 GB – 250 rub.
  4. 16 GB – 360 rub.
  5. 30 GB – 500 rub.

Additionally, the Internet service on the tablet is offered. For 250 rubles you get 8 GB, unlimited traffic for social networks and navigation. This option will be of interest to customers who often use the tablet outside the home.

The company provides a wide range of Internet services on the phone. Among them, each subscriber will be able to find a suitable solution. When choosing a service, you need to determine traffic consumption and the optimal monthly fee.

Operator website

Interesting offers of mobile communications *210*1# - activation of the option “Identifier of deliberately hidden numbers”. The subscriber's number or name (if the contact is in the phone book) will appear on the screen. A special offer for students, pensioners and other groups of the population who cannot or do not want to spend large sums on communications. The included packages are enough to keep in touch with loved ones. And free traffic on social networks, instant messengers and a navigator will save minutes and gigabytes.

Is there unlimited internet?

Some users are looking for Tele2 tariffs in Tambov for unlimited Internet. But your search will be unsuccessful. The company has completely abandoned unlimited and is not going to provide similar programs in the near future.

By the way, you won’t find such solutions from other operators either. All participants in the mobile communications market have switched to selling packages. Considering that the companies’ refusal of unlimited offers occurred within a short period of time, there is a high probability of their collusion.

Why did companies switch to traffic packages? One of the reasons is that this option is much more profitable for operators. They were able to significantly increase their income levels and improve their financial statements.

Additionally, many operators do not have time to update their networks. More and more subscribers are starting to use mobile Internet, but the bandwidth remains the same. Therefore, upgrading equipment is a top priority, but this procedure will take some time.

You shouldn't expect the return of unlimited in the next couple of years. Tele2 is quite happy with the current situation; there is no point in lifting restrictions on the volume of traffic consumed.

We can only hope that one of the companies will upset the balance in our market and other companies will rush to roll out their alternative offers. But when this will happen is a big question.

Transfer and exchange

The exchange of minutes for gigabytes is carried out on several tariffs - My Conversation, My Online and My Online+. This procedure is easy to perform:

  • Download the official application.
  • The program has an exchange point.
  • Select the number of minutes you want to give.
  • Confirm the exchange.
  • For every 100 minutes the subscriber receives 1 GB.

Additionally, residue transfer is present. If you haven’t had time to use up your internet package, minutes or SMS, you can spend them next month. The transfer is carried out automatically before the subscription fee is charged.

Pivot table

RateSubscription fee, rub./month (day)Package of minutesInternet package, GBSMS packageOutside the package of minutes, rub. in a minute To mobile phones throughout Russia, rub. in a minute SMS outside the package, rub./SMSMMS, rub./MMS
My online300500121,951,951,955,50
My online+500700221,951,951,955,50
My conversation24030051,951,951,955,50
My Tele28 per day81,951,951,955,50
Unlimited390500Is not limited501,951,951,955,50
Internet of things10030300 MB1001,951,951,955,50

How to find out the tariff and change it?

Want to know the terms of service? You must use one of these methods:

  1. Enter the command *107# and wait for the message to arrive.
  2. Call 504.
  3. Log in to your personal account.
  4. Use the operator's application.

You can perform the change using the following methods:

  • Use a special command from the Tele website
  • Call 630.
  • Using a smartphone program from Tele2 to manage your account.
  • In your personal account.
  • Call technical support at 611.
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